TickleTickle.com is a Canadian business run by two Moms following their dreams together.
Their online store has everything from diaper bags for Dads to items for Moms, babies and children. They have all bases covered from books to bags to toys to cups and spoons.
The TickleTickle.com website is very user friendly, colourful and funky! Beware, because you could get caught up for quite a while checking out all of their awesome and unique merchandise.
They even offer free shipping on all Canadian orders of over $150.
We had the opportunity to take an in person look at the Babysitter Notepad and the Weekly Menu Pad. Although the Babysitter Pad certainly requires a good sense of humour, both organizers allow sufficient space for entering the required info and the menu pad is magnetic! What great organizing resources for parents!

Here's a great review of the Hooter Hider from Tickle Tickle:
As a new nursing mother I can not tell you how much I love my Hooter Hider. It gave me the confidence to feed my baby anytime, anywhere! Before I used the Hooter Hider, I did purchase an imitation that was made from what I think was a felt fabric, but it was so hot that nursing became frustrating!
Out of all the baby must-have The Hooter Hider is definitely in my top 10 things a new mom needs. They are stylish, practical and the perfect solution for privacy for a nursing mom.